I have been blessed enough in my life to have people around me that not only encourage me to shoot for the stars, but let me. My parents, while very…
If you were not already aware, I am a student. I am a full-time business student at Missouri Southern State University studying Marketing and Management. With Management as a second…
We recently hired a new salesman. His first task was to inventory the factory and learn our products. While he was going through all of our old tiles/supplies he found…
Bright is in these days. The lighter a space seems, the better. Bright houses and spaces always seem bigger and happier; and in case you werent aware, houses can portray…

We get a lot of questions about the durability of our projects, and rightfully so. If I was going to spend money on installing tile in my home or office…

A professor of mine once gave an entire lecture on the art and importance of filing, organizing, and backing up our computers. At the time I was bored and certain…

My mother tells the story of a Christmas morning where the seven of us (Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, Father, Mother, Brother, and Myself) had all gathered at Mama and Papa’s for…
My first day pressing tile was nerve-racking, I was afraid of grabbing the wrong tile or pressing it for too long or at too high of a pressure. Thankfully, no…